As an oleh, I know it's hard to find a good professional craftsman that speaks your language, understands your mentality, and works according to your standards. Learn more about me, David the Handyman.
Before and After Pictures
BEFORE: The piece was very dark, had burn and water marks and many scratches.
BEFORE: David has already started disassembling the old cabinets.
AFTER: All the fixtures are from IKEA. David installed the cabinets and sink and redid the tiling.
BEFORE: room with the electric box
installed on the wall
AFTER: cupboards that cover the electric box and provide ample storage
AFTER: cupboard and adjacent bookshelves, made from formica
Save Energy and Water!
These days, we're looking for ways to save water and energy. I can help you make your house more energy efficient. Contact me for a consultation.